I have not updated my blog in ages, well, because I haven't felt like it. Between my surgery in October and getting very ill, I just haven't felt like it.
I figured it was time to give a quick update to anyone who might actually read this to let them know what is going on.
I feel good about my back. Just a little aching, but overall of pretty good.
But, I have been very, very sick lately. So sick that I have lost a total of 25 pounds since my surgery. So here is the latest news and why I finally can update this blog.
I had an appointment with my family doctor this morning to check on my results from my CT scan (they were clear) and to go over my new medication from last week. The timing of the visit was appropriate after feeling so ill again yesterday. As I explained to my doctor, I had finally felt like I was turning a corner beginning last Friday night/Saturday morning, because I was getting an appetite back and then I found myself so sick again this week. I was back to being nauseous and lightheaded (among other symptoms.) My thoughts to him were that the side effects of the new medication were making me ill (side effects of it were symptoms that I was experiencing.) I asked him to remove me from all of my medications except from the one I take for my migraines (and this one was reduced.)
I feel VERY strongly about this. I feel that I need to get healthy using vitamins and nutrition and not medication. I feel that my immune system is weakened and the medication is keeping me sick. I am very low on vitamin D, so he did give me a prescription for it. I also will be taking plenty of vitamin C and calcium.
The other thing is, I am SERIOUSLY dehydrated. We talked about it this morning and because of being so nauseous I haven't been able to eat or even drink the fluids I need (not even water without vomiting.) I have been so sick for so long that it has really caused a problem. As I have tried to explained to several people, when I stand up and move I have a feeling or sensation of "pins/needles" or every nerve in my body hurting but it starts at my head and I almost pass out. I looked up the signs and symptoms of dehydration today and I have every one of them, including one called "head rush" and I am almost at the dehydration level of 5%.
So, to make a long story short, if you see me help make sure I am drinking plenty of fluids and getting my nutrition in a healthy way. I feel very confident that once I am back to being hydrated and non-medicated I will be back to ME :)
Also, I have a follow up with the spine surgeon Monday and I feel that it will go well.
I think that once I get back to normal I will begin updating my blog again and have new pictures and things to talk about. I am really tired of talking about my health!