Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayer request, please!

Tomorrow, I see the surgeon. I am not sure what to expect but off I go. I have noticed that not only are the lymph nodes tender under my arm and in my groin, one in my neck had pain shooting through it tonight. I noticed I could also feel it. It is probably nothing, but it's still something that I want to get checked out.

I received my MRI results and they indicated I have 2 bulging disks (which is what I had a couple of years ago). I go to see them on Wednesday to determine next steps.

On top of all this, I noticed today that my elbow is numb, along with my pink and ring finger on my right hand and my right hand is somewhat discolored!

What the crap?????? I am so tired of this. All I want is a day without pain.

To all my friends, I need prayers. I have not been such a good friend lately because I feel like my life has been turned upside down since about September. I don't spend time with my friends like I should. All I do is work, take care of my family, go to classes, work on homework and try to alleviate this pain.

Hopefully soon, I will be a better friend. I will be there more for my family. I will be back to the person I used to be.

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