Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Good times w/good friends

We have a very busy Memorial Day weekend. Alright, so what's so new about that, most days in my life are very busy!

Friday baseball was canceled (not really but my son went out of town with his dad so I didn't go to the game). So instead I spent it hanging with a great girl getting my car washed and shopping for cookout supplies. She is a wonderful teenager that I don't mind spending time with. I still say that I am so glad I have boys, but it's nice to have a girl to talk to occasionally!

Saturday was cleaning house during the day and going to the races at night. It was a pretty eventful night and some tears were shed. Not quite as bad as the prior weekend when I thought we were going to be in the ER all night long. There were no wrecks this weekend, just a very HOT motor and a DNF (did not finish). The DNF did not help in our points standing, especially since we had a DNF from the week before. Oh well, we learned something new and if you don't learn from your mistakes...

Sunday we had friends over for a cookout. We listened to the Indy 500 on the radio. It was a wonderful time. It was pretty small group this year, mostly friends from the track. A couple of our other friends showed up and we had a great time. Great food, good drinks, and somewhere there was a water fight!

Monday, I spend the day doing absolutely nothing. Well, not exactly, I did do some laundry. But other than that - nada, zilch, zero....nothing! It was great! We watched the Nascar race - stupid rain outs.

Well, that's my week. Pretty short and sweet. We had fun and hope to have more cookouts again.


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