Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Through my children's eyes

I have a habit of messing with my hair or my face as I drive. I don't know why...someone could probably tell you all about me because of these two quirky things.

The boys and I were driving home the other night and I was enjoying the silence. I was messing with my hair and then rubbed my hand across my forehead. I noticed a ridged along the center of it. I had never noticed it before. Weird. I looked in the mirror. It is rather large. A scar right in the center.

I have been in two car wrecks in my life and in both of them I have hit my head/face on the windshield. In the first one I was hospitlized for two days with significant damage to my face. I am quite positive this is a scar from that wreck. I have other scars on my face from the accident. This one I have never noticed because my hair covers it.

Anyway, I rubbed across the scar, looked it the mirror and said "that's strange, this weird crease in my forward." Tyler my oldest says "Where mom?" I said "Right here on my forehead, this scar."

Tyler said to me..."Probably not a scar mom, it's probably a wrinkle." Ouch, that hurt. Great words to hear from your thirteen year old son.

Out of the backseat my 10-year old, Caleb pipes up and says "Tyler, mom isn't old enough to have wrinkles!!!!"
I had just pulled up to a stop sign and turned around and said "Caleb, I love you! You just made my day!"
Fortunately, through my 10-year old's eyes I am still young...not quite sure what my thirteen-year old's eyes are seeing. Not sure I want to know.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Hahaha ... this is great! I am sure it's just a scar ...