Monday, January 12, 2009


Ya know how it is when you haven't taken care of yourself like you should? I tend to "delay" getting things done that I know need done. Such as getting my hair cut. I always feel better after it has been cut or trimmed. But every time I don't make my appointment for the next one and every time I go a little too long before I get it cut again.

I can't remember when I got my hair cut last. All I know is that it had gotten to the point that I could no longer comb through it after washing it. My hair has grown down to the middle of my back and when it is that long, it gets a little difficult to take care of.

I made a frantic call to my hair stylist and begged for an appointment - immediately :) Fortunately, she had an opening tonight!!!

So, finally after months of not taking care of it, my hair got the attention it deserved! I think she took 3 or 4 inches off the back, but I don't care. It feels so much better.

Now....the next time is the hi-lite and cut! Maybe I won't go for so long! :)

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