Saturday, January 3, 2009

Waking Up

The week I spent in the hospital, I was supposed to have my boys. Between the time they spent with their dad for Christmas and me being in the hospital, I didn't get to see them very much.

Tuesday, when I had my last "surgery", the ERCP, imagine my surprise when I woke up and they got me in my room and Glen said to me "Tyler's here." My sister picked him up and brought him up to Indy so he could be there when I woke up!

He had such a look of concern on his 13-year old face. He gave me a hug and a kiss, then he sat by my bed and just held my hand.

I love the fact that my teenager isn't afraid to show me that he loves me in front of other people. I loved waking up and seeing him there. That meant the world to me!


Anonymous said...

Aww that is great he was there when you got in your room! I can not even imagine how much you missed them! I am so glad you are better and can be at home with your family.

Carrie said...

That is so sweet of him! You have great kids. I really hope that the dr's finally have everything straightened out and you do not have any more pain. I am sorry your December was so rotten. Here's to a healthy 2009!!! Miss you!