Monday, November 24, 2008

Day by Day

It has been just over a week since my father-in-law passed away suddenly. Each day is just a day of survival around our house. There isn't a thing we see, do or say that doesn't remind of us him.

I wish I could take my husband's pain away. The pain that he is going to feel for such a long time. The breaking in his heart because he is waiting for his phone to ring and his dad to say "Whatcha doin' bud?" The painful look on his face as he keeps glancing at the barn, waiting to see his dad walk out, get on his scooter and ride across the barn lot, just coming to see what Glen was up to.

I know there is nothing that I can say or do to take the pain away. I don't know firsthand what my husband is going through. I can only be there for him when he needs me. Right now, he needs me.

I was supposed to be in Nashville tonight for the Christmas 4 Kids benefit. My husband needed me, so I stayed home. Sure, he could have made it through the day without me, but why should he have to? Why should he have to face this unbareable pain alone?

He doesn't...he has me, he has his boys, he has my boys and he has lots of family. We are here....when he needs us. Right now...he needs us and we need him.

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