Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Caleb at the bat

Let's see. . .

The boys (actually Caleb) had baseball registration this week. That means we are so close to Spring that I can almost taste it. I tell ya, I am so OVER winter, it's crazy. I am very ready for short sleeves, no coat and sunshine all the time.

Baseball is my favorite sport. I love the crack of the bats (more of a ping since the bats are aluminum.) I love the leather gloves, the smell of the popcorn popping and the sounds of the parents cheering on their child. I love sitting in the sun soaking up the rays. Everything about baseball, I love!

Man, I can't wait!!!

By the way, send a few prayers my way if you can. I have 2 more doctor appointments this week and 2 more next week. Let's pray that everything comes back fine. I really don't want to get into the specifics until I know more but a few prayers are appreciated (just in case!)

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